Friday, January 23, 2009

Time for an update!

Well over the past couple weeks since I've last written my team is sitting at 69 1/2. I tried to upgrade the four accounts to wotlk yesterday but was unable to. The site just kept giving me and invalid credit card number which is funny because I just put the four accounts monthly subscription on that same card. So I'll need to call in today to upgrade them over then phone. This has seem to be a reoccurring thing, first I had trouble creating my trial account then upgrading them to vanilla wow and lastly once again upgrading them to bc.

Hopefully I'll be completing the first set of quest tonight along with getting some professions up. My tailoring on the priest is sitting at a nice 359 so as soon as northrend comes along I'll be making tons of frostweave bolts from all that I saved up on my shammy. My enchanting on the druid is at 277 and I'm waiting for a random spawn enchant in uc. It was there yesterday but I didn't realize it was soulbound lmao and bought it on my pally. I only need enchanting to be high enough to de northrend gear. My shamans enchanting is at 438ish and is also an inscriptionist so I'll be send all the de'd mats to the shaman who will return some vellums.

I'm still undecided on where I want to start questing once I hit northrend. I'm thinking about staying out of instances until at least 71. This guide seems to be aimed at multi-boxers so I might just end up using that in between instancing.

I started a level 19 warsong gulch group of 4 locks and a priest. Currently they are level 14. I'm not planning on twinking them out or anything they are more of a way for me to have fun when I'm bored of raiding or leveling the team. I'm also considering starting a 4 pally shaman team for some pvp fun.

For my main PvE team I've been toying around with the idea of switching out something to fit in a warlock then switching out the priest for the shaman as a healer and spec'ing the priest as shadow for a little dot me up fun. Although I think this might incur too much micromanagement. I am also toying with the idea making a disc/shadow build and setting up the shaman and druid for backup heals when needed.

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